CRC- Compliance risk management system

The CRC system is a compromise between the Regulator and your client:
Automated verification process
Full regulatory compliance
The level of service
Reliable clients are not forced to leave
  • Cash-out via individuals, executive documents and labor dispute commissions
  • Cash-out via radial transits through individual entrepreneurs
  • The monitoring system complies with the National Central Bank methodology
  • Transit operations via legal entities
  • Merchants, payment agents and travel agencies buying and selling cash
  • e-wallets and mobile carriers
  • VAT evasion
  • Schemes involving
CRC is a module constructor we build and adapt for each specific process in the bank infrastructure
The system contains 10 functional blocks
Requests and gathers information about the client and its counterparties from 50+ information sources, government and public databases

(Central Bank, Financial monitoring services, Federal Tax Service, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Federal Migration Service, National Supreme Court of Arbitration, Ministry of Justice, UN Security Council, etc.)

  • Defines the list of information for financial monitoring
  • Notifies about data changes
  • Keeps and up-to-date client profile